#39 (EN): Climate Strike, Amitié Franco-Allemande, Dev-Sprint
Have a nice Sunday! 224 days to go, then it's the beginning of summer!
And: today is election in Germany, so the little inofficial Sunday Sono update appears quite early, don't let it stop you from voting!
A new Sprint Report from week 32 is online - with first hand information directly from the vehicle development team.The report is special, because no other automotive manufacturer reports so direct from the development. Many departments from Sono don't report any blocker or lowlights at the moment. Therefore, everything should be green and on schedule :-) I keep this in mind!
The latest report is even more cryptic than usual, so just one example - page 1:
Highlight: PMCS Assessment: 60% S0 and 65% S1 unassessed. Review of deliverables for S0
Blocker: BOM cost reduction investigations (cost per part): OKR per module
The blocker "cost reduction" is normal in automotive development: There is a target price, and you are over it as usual. "OKR" as a target are "Objectives & Key Results", in context I would translate that as “focus on the essentials, and get on!".
Other selected findings:
Logistics manual is control read by legal department. The manual has been coming forward for 6 months and is being written, at some point I want to see it. It must be somewhere between Encyclopaedia Britannica, Krieg & Frieden and the Berlin phone book in terms of volume.
Highlight: Parts list and timing to be discussed with NEVS.
Interior: supplier selection for parts like sun visor, seats, first aid kit will be obtained.
Software: the Sion will get Android Automotive (Honda, by the way, announced on Thursday to also go the way from 2022) and a company "Level 3 Systems" is developing the base for Sono. "Level 3 Systems" has a Sion on its homepage and Sono on the customer list, but no imprint, nothing. Neither the country in which the company is active, nor who is behind it is revealed. Well, if the quality fits.... they have delivered something. Internet research suggests that they are based in the English-speaking world, possibly Texas.
A student is writing a master thesis about the recycling of solar bodypanels.
Design: Door handles have been reworked again (my wife just said "and right so!" - she was super critical about the quality). Asti from the Facebook group also jammed her fingers opening from the inside in Nuremberg and was glad to read this.
+++ WALLBOX +++
The Minion design won, with smooth cable. Actually the last vote was already clearly for the smooth cable, but now there is no doubt. Someone at Sono must have been really convinced about the spiral cable, but Laurin will surely get over it :-) And for 150 € you can have a spiral cable fitted.
+++ STICKER +++
A few months ago you could order stickers again from Sono. The deliveries have now arrived in the mail for many reservation holders.
By the way, the link on the QR code goes here:
+++ VLOG #4 +++
Johannes from Team Sono Digital explains "the future of car sharing". Lots of screenshots from the current app and examples. The app is supposed to come out in 2022 and you can also share existing vehicles. What is also emphasized here again and reached us frequently as a question, is that there will be a separate insurance from Sonomotors when the Sion is rented.
An eternal topic is the Bafa subsidy. The longer I deal with the topic of "subsidies", the more certain I am that in 2023 there will be a subsidy for vehicles that can charge bidirectionally and certainly also for wallboxes such as those from Kostal/Sono.
The studies necessary to justify subsidies are now available:
+++ B.E.N. REACTS +++
Michael from Breaking Elektro News, live streaming with a glass of Hefeweizen, took issue with Kyle's review video ("Trash!", we've had it here before) and the Sion in general.
Incidentally, I was at the Sonos on Friday and saw "Salt" again. It really looks finished, you can tell the roadshow and thousands of "seat samples" as well as the many rebuilds through development.
Team Sono Digital continues to sprint in development, A little new info - if the car has no cell phone reception, you can unlock via Bluetooth (LE). This was an important insight from the pilot with the Zoe, which Andreas also accompanied here. Especially in underground garages or in rural areas, reception failures are not uncommon in the digital desert that is Germany.
Seb Gallou from the Facebook group "Sono Sion Francophone" visited the Sonos on Friday with a group of four e-cars and an e-bike. We met on site - together with AnSo (Anne-Sophie) from the Sonos Team.
From noon on, most of the Sonos left to attend the FFF climate strike - and the visitors spontaneously unpacked cheese, bread, white and red wine (I just say "cooler box" and electricity inside the car!) - and we chatted about e-mobility in general and the Sion in particular. Great people, and they are now continuing their trip to Transylvania, with a stop at Rimac, among others, along the way.
+++ FUN FACT +++
Friday was the last "Friday for Future" before the election and many of the Sonos went there. At the same time a special page was switched on the homepage "we go to the climate strike". Largely unnoticed, a page with wishes to the politicians was put online:
With Slogans like Moin Olaf, 9.5 billion tax advantages for Diesel, do not want you that times to tackle or Hey Anna Lena, are you also ready for the solar promotion on cars eight points are demanded, like:
A funding landscape that fits sustainable innovation. Start-ups today have little chance of receiving proper funding because the requirements are geared towards large companies.
Promotion of solar on cars and bidirectional charging.
In terms of content, I think it's good. The funding for solar on cars and for bidirectional charging must come and it will come. Whether this will work with such a homepage remains to be seen, until it works it is currently a fun fact.
For all to read - the "election program of Sono Motors":