#3 (EN): Tech-Day, Promo-Video, Trunk Update

Happy Sunday.  The campaign is entering its final phase (although it can go to overtime for a maximum of 40 days). Here is our weekly community summary, to make sure you don’t miss anything.

+++ SION IN 180 SECONDS +++

Many people requested a "the Sion explained in 90 seconds" video to send it to friends. It's been launched since yesterday, secretly uploaded to YouTube: "The Sion. The car that charges itself.". It has become just under three minutes. A summary of all the highlights of the vehicle:


Fun Fact. Yesterday evening, two messages reached me from reservation holders who paid for advertising this video on their own initiative. Markus, Andi - respect. I didn't even know that was possible.


The trunk sill has been revised. The flat loading area has been retained. However, if you fold up the cover of the contraband compartment / additional storage space, the sill also goes away and the height drops significantly. An elegant solution to the problem.

At Tech-Day, the variant was not yet to be seen in the prototypes on site, so we have waived the "washing machine test" and did not try to lift a washing machine in the car. However, I will be there several times next week and continue to search.

Source: https://twitter.com/LaurinHahn/status/1613170958684278784

+++ TECH DAY +++

Friday was Tech Day in Munich, a real motivation booster for all present. Estimated over 500 visitors, press and competitors. Everyone had the opportunity to see the state of development at numerous information booths and demo vehicles. Sono put a lot of effort into this. There were a lot of Sono employees there, who explained everything patiently and seemed very motivated. No more "we failed", but a "we can do it".

Three components distinguish the Sion from all other cars, and that makes it special: 

  • the solar integration in polymer on all sides of the vehicle with the special production process

  • the MCU that charges the solar energy into the high-voltage storage unit

  • and the three-phase bidirectional charging. 

Everything could be examined in detail at the information booths. Very interesting was the solar simulator for the extensive tests of the solar integration, and especially for the optimization of the yield.

There was also a children's corner where small solar cells and motors could be combined. Some kids were allowed - with protective goggles - to bring the small masterpieces into the solar simulator, which got the most out of the cells.

In this way, even the youngest were able to experience first-hand what makes the Sion so special.

All those present with whom Andreas and I spoke were clearly of the opinion that the project must not fail.

+++ SAVESION +++

"Together we can do it" is the title of another Feelgood video in which test-drive visitors explain once again why the Sion should be on the road.



In the last column we wrote that so many newsletters are coming in. Then it turned out that not everyone gets all the newsletters, because they are apparently segmented. Here, of course, we give you the full package of info, an overview of all mailings this year:

January 14 - The ALL is in the Sion

12. January - Only 14 days left!

January 10 - Crash tests coming up soon 👀

07: January - Finally: more safety for your money.

05: January - Solar cars make sense!

03: January - Sono Motors Tech Day 2023.

01: January - You should have seen this video.

+++ ZUSCHUSS +++

In December 2022, Sono will receive an allowance of €260,119 for research carried out in 2020 - 10 sions. The whole thing was approved six months ago. Whether or not this pays into the campaign, Sono says yes. The counter goes up a bit. 


+++ FAZ +++

"The dream is still alive" is the headline of the FAZ. Unfortunately, the article is behind the paywall. Sono Motors employs 420 people, the car is almost completely developed, it is to be built by Valmet in Finland, 22,000 customers or better fans have already pre-ordered and paid an average of 2,000 euros, and now the dream could still burst on the last meters until the start of series production. This is the short summary of the article. 


+++ EVENTS +++

Sono and the SVC3 vehicle is visiting Zurich on the 17th/18 that the der SBB Werkstätte D.


+++ FUN FACT +++

The groups combined in the leading index Dax pay out 54.9 billion euros for the year 2022. Actually, it is sad, the last car manufacturer to produce full-fledged cars in series production was founded in 1937, after which it was only consolidated. 


And VW is getting a whopping 400 million just for keeping its own coal-fired power plant running and not switching to gas.


That much money is no longer needed. The community has already come up with a tidy 40 million without any dilution of the investors. We think they should now have a go and need to help.

Have a great week, stay healthy.

Sebastian, Astrid, Andreas, Wolfgang


#3 (DE): Technik-Tag, Promo-Video, Ladekante


#2 (DE): Meilensteine, 40 Millionen, München